
Mohammed Abuhamad

Dr. Mohammed Abuhamad is an assistant professor of Computer Science at Loyola University Chicago . He received a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of Central Florida (UCF) in 2020. He also received a Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from INHA University , (Incheon, Republic of Korea) in 2020. He received a Master degree in Information Technology (Artificial Intelligence) from the National University of Malaysia , (Bangi, Malaysia) in 2013.

He is interested in AI/Deep-Learning-based Information Security, especially Software and Mobile/IoT Security. He is also interested in Machine Learning-based Applications and Adversarial Machine Learning. He has published several peer-reviewed research papers in top-tier conferences and journals such as ACM CCS, PoPETS, IEEE ICDCS, and IEEE IoT-J.